OUR MISSIONOur Mission is to Meet the Needs of the Communities We Serve
The Robert F. Kennedy Institute of Community and Family Medicine (RFKI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community-based organization. Since 1992, (RFKI) has been a community pillar for South Bay/Harbor area residents. Our mission is “to improve the health and social needs and the well-being of children and families in the South Bay/Harbor communities of Los Angeles County by providing or facilitating high-quality, low-cost health, social, and human services in a linguistically and culturally competent, sensitive, friendly, accessible, professional manner.”
OUR GOALSOur Goals Align with the Needs of the Communities We Serve
We build healthier, safer, and more vibrant communities by providing individualized services that promote the success of all community members. RFKI promotes self-sufficiency among low-income individuals and families by improving access to and integration of health services and educational and economic opportunities.